Wednesday 3 July 2019

A funny thing happened

There are lots of not so funny things that have happened on my trip so far and I have been away only a few days. I couldn't find my driver at the airport. I got the squirts and spent most of today in bed or sitting listlessly on the couch. I had to eat mediocre Korean food to find something with no wheat and less than volcanic amounts of chilli.
But there have been some belly laughs. My terracotta warriors guide realising none of us had Wechat so she had no way of finding us if we got list in the ten thousand other visitors to the site. Or her and the driver arguing about where we were to be dropped off. Or her discovering her transmitter was out of charge and having to do a deal with the wheelchair men to find us new headsets. They had new headsets so this must happen often. But I don't think it was a scam...the poor girl had turned the colour of the grey red dragon fruit I've been eating and started mumbling in an odd mixture of mandarin and English. If it was an act, it was a convincing one!
All those things were pretty funny. Her actually losing some of the group and calling out to them ever more desperately over the headset system was also amusing. She found them, which was less amusing but probably for the best.
All slightly unpleasant schadenfreude I guess.
The really genuine laughs though were provided by my second tour. Not just did our guide explain how she married her boyfriend of twenty years not for love, not because of children or elderly parents or social stigma - but because she wanted to buy a parking space and there would be less paperwork if she was married!
Now I am paperwork adverse, but marriage does seem like an extreme action to avoid it.
Her triumph though was the detailed description of her diagnosis of her dogs stomach issues from a careful examination of their poop. This intricate scatological talk delivered as we ate dinner in otherwise salubrious surrounds. Nothing like a bit of poop to put other people off...resulting in more of everything for me!

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